Friday, August 2, 2013

Titanic Belfast and on to Dublin, Ireland

We are back in the Republic of Ireland, or as they say in Northern Ireland--The South. We stopped on the way here to go to the Titanic Exhibit in Belfast, Northern Ireland which is located on the site where the Titanic was built. The center has only been open 15 months so it includes all state-of-the-art technology. It was fantastic! We highly recommend it for anyone who is going to be in the area.

It takes you from the build up of industry in Belfast to the discovery of  the wreckage of the ship off Nova Scotia. There is a self-guided audio guide and a Disney-like ride through the construction process. There were replicas of the first, second and third class cabins--which actually looked remarkably similar to the ones we had on The P & O Orcades when we emigrated some 50+ years after Titanic. There was a virtual tour of the ship, there were lots of bios on various individuals who sailed on the ship, or who were involved in the construction. And, a really interesting movie showing the discovery of the wreckage. The whole thing was really well done and well worth the diversion. Here's the front and back of the building!

When we got to Dublin we returned our car at the airport, but not before having a ceremonial retiring of the "L" plates! 
They really haven't been needed for the last few days as Tom had developed a new philosophy of driving. Having learned that everyone else has to yield to those already in the roundabout, his new strategy became "Get There First"! This means that he had become as maniac a driver as the locals, so we are glad to be relying on public transportation from here on out. We are also very glad to have returned our rental car without having to replace a side mirror like the people at our B & B in Dingle. Or, replacing a tyre that popped upon hitting the curb too hard, like the guy from Atlanta who we met at dinner in Galway! Three cheers for un-damaged rental cars!!!

We arrived in Dublin just in time for a pint and a bite. Here's the great old pub O'Neills, which has 70+ beers on tap--so yes we ordered, our old standards, Guinness and Harp!

That just left time for a brief stroll around St. Stevens Green, where I met this cute guy,

then back to our hotel, Buswells, where we are delighting in king-sized beds. These are a real treat after the teeny little beds we had in Portrush.


Unknown said...

Good that you all made the trip w/o much damage. Don't forget to send me the list of b&b , not that I would have the patience to always locate them. Now that I have mastered the iPhone and all the Blog techniques, it seems easy to send and receive your correspondence. I am anxious for you to get to Paris and the Hotel, I know Tom and Francie will enjoy the town; remember, there is a Starbucks just down the street and to the right is that small bakery. Have a great trip and continue to send pictures and verbiage. I did not know that they, Ireland, had built the museum. Interesting. Carlos

Unknown said...

I hope the dads are brining back those L signs to wear around Seattle!

Also, feel free to kidnap that dog to bring back to live with you guys! So cute :)

Congrats on the un-damaged rental car, and way to go Tom on the new driving strategy- I like it!