Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

We had no idea that they are only doing the Changing of the Guards on "even" days this August, so we set off merrily from our hotel the other morning. We started with a stroll through Kensington Palace Gardens, which are just around the corner from the Vicarage Gate Hotel (only the best neighborhoods, don't you know). Francie and I inspected the renovations being done for Will and Kate and, deeming them satisfactory, we continued on through the park.
We were enjoying the beautiful sunshine, admiring the plants and flowers and the well-behaved British dogs. By the time we got to the Albert memorial, only half way, we decided to hop a bus and got off at the corner of the palace. Tom thought that the wall didn't look too secure, but we convinced him not to test it's defenses!
Luckily, it was an even day, so we joined the crowd to await the pomp. We got there at about 10:15 and were able to get in the first/second row for a ceremony that started at about 11:15. We love the people who arrive at 11:10 and try to push to the front, through this crowd!
We have decided that the British excel at things beginning with "P". Pubs, Parks, Pomp, Pints, and Pageantry is certainly way up there. I wish we could send you the crowd buzz, the music, and the hum of the helicopters along with these "up front and personal" shots--taken with my head wedged between the railings!
The Royal Mail and one of the guys with guns.
The barricade to stop anyone who might decide to just drive in.
I'm sure they were discussing football scores.
He's got lots of medals!

All done.
The band leaving for home.
Happy faces, tired feet!

As you can well imagine, we were quite tired of standing and being shoved in the back by the time it was over. So, we fought our way through the gates of St James's park and wandered past the Horse Guards parade ground, through Admiralty Arch, got lunch at Pret A Manger and had a picnic sitting on the fountain wall at Trafalgar Square! Not bad for a morning's work.

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