Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gibraltar (The Rock)

OK, so I figured that our quick visit to Gibraltar today was going to be easy, after all:

  1. I am a British citizen in good standing and this is a Commonwealth country.
  2. The country is 3 miles long by 1 mile wide--how far wrong can you go?
  3. We had read the entire section on Gibraltar in the travel book.
  4. And, we've been here before!

Sooo...turns out the guide book is wrong-- the #3 bus does not go round the perimeter for a nice tour--it hits such hot spots as the Jehovah Witness meeting house, the Morrison's grocery store, and the hospital. For excitement we did have to swerve to avoid a motorcycle who turned left in front of us from the right lane. Plus, a guy did have to lean his parked motorcycle over the sidewalk so that the bus could pass without knocking it over. We do think the drivers must take their driver's training on the Amalfi Coast. The roads are so tight the buses are about half sized and we still had to zig zag around cannons placed in the city walls.

These guys painting road stripes had to stand up straight when a car came!

After the exciting bus ride we headed into town, which is really quite fun and bustling with people.

I went into M & S to buy a scone-- here's the sequence of events.

70p please
Here's 1 pound
What's this?
Me (to myself) well that is the 1 pound note that my Mum gave me just last week in Seattle.
I've never see one of these, have you Michael. No, it must be ancient, look how young the Queen is! We'll have to get a manager! I'm sure we don't take pound notes---they converted to coins before I was born. Here's the manager holding the note up so that the entire queue could see this ancient artifact the clueless American (didn't dare let on I was English) tourist is trying to use!

Finally, I paid for my scone with a Euro!

The clincher is, the lady behind us says as we're walking away "well dear we use pound notes in Jersey, so come and visit us there"!

Needless to say we high-tailed it back to the ship--got in the wrong line and almost ended up on the P & O ship by mistake----and we're glad to see the back side of Gibraltar!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Molly said...

haha sounds like quite the adventure! Glad you're racking up some good stories :) Now, if you could just find a donkey somewhere...we'll need some Thanksgiving entertainment!