Sunday, October 9, 2011

Barcelona Parc Guell

As we have two days in Barcelona we were able to see more sights today (after we recovered from our wine overload of yesterday). Today we followed Rick Steves' directions for taking the metro and the bus to Gaudi's Parc Guell. However, it's Sunday and it's a beautiful sunny day, and everyone and his brother had the same idea. We negotiated the metro just fine, but the bus already had twice as many people as I am sure they are legally allowed to carry, so we had to do the "tiring, uphill 20 minute walk". We got our directions from a local man with 5 minutes of detailed instruction, in Catalan, with hand gestures. So, of course, we ended up at the top of Le Montaigne above the park, which is already up the mountain! Nice views though.

Gaudi had envisioned the park as a gated community but he was about 100 years early and it never took off. He lived here for about 20 years in this house.

Here are some classically Gaudi features in the park.

You can just see the Sagrada Familia (his unfinished cathedral in the background).

Tomorrow is a day at sea--we need it!

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