Friday, July 19, 2013

Waterford, Ireland

After what felt like 3 days of travel (taxi, light rail, 3 hr departure delay, 10 hour flight from Seattle to Frankfurt, missed connection, 9 hour layover
and 10 hour time difference, 2 hour flight to Dublin, 1 hour time difference and a 2 hour drive) we finally arrived in Waterford, Ireland at 1:30am last night or, I guess technically, this morning. 

After a night's sleep and fully fortified with a delightful Waterford Marina Hotel full Irish breakfast--consisting of scones, fruit, eggs, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, hash-browns, black and white pudding,  coffee, juice and toast--we set forth into town.
Our first stop was the Waterford Crystal Factory, where they still make special runs of their crystal. After falling into receivership a few years ago, the new owners have moved the bulk of production to Eastern Europe. Our guide, Sean, had been a cutter here for 39 1/2 years. It was a really fascinating tour and we got to see all aspects of the painstaking production process in action. We even got to hold some of the very special pieces.
Needless to say I had to buy something to commemorate the visit--and, they ship!
Then we got very busy and bought batteries, paid yesterday's toll road fees, bought a part for the GPS (SAT NAV), visited a couple of churches, and collapsed into T & H Doolan's for some liquid refreshment and a bite to eat.
Did I mention that we've arrived in the middle of a heat wave! It's in the mid 80's and neither we nor the Irish are used to that kind of heat, so we are making an extra effort to get plenty of liquids--Irish style!

Not ones to rest on our laurels, we navigated our way to the center of town,

...nipped into Boots, zipped across the street to the Cathedral which is resplendent with Waterford chandeliers, got my watch repaired, and stopped by a local barber so that Fritz could have a haircut. His barber, who was quite proud that he had once been deported from the US, had us rolling on the floor with his travel tips-- don't bother with Mayo as its all Rocks and Sheep, and definitely give the Burren a miss as it only has Rocks--no sheep!

Finished with our chores we then walked back along the river to our hotel!

I think that we will sleep very well tonight!


Lauren said...

Love this!! Thanks for the stories and posting a few photos. Sounds like spirits are high despite quite the hellish travel day. A full Irish breakfast sounds pretty good right now!

Unknown said...

Sounds like the perfect Frostad adventure- I can just picture dad trying to drive and getting even more mad when Tom can't help because he's laughing too hard. Next step- get this on video!

p.s. I think I figured out why I couldn't leave comments before. I was on my phone and I don't think it works from there.

Love to all!

Unknown said...

My last attempt to answer your Blog with iPhone

Unknown said...

Kara- San, I may be a little envious of your travels but not of the opposite side driving.
Last time I tried that was NZ, and "the pucker factor was so great, only you can imagine" sent from my iPhone....finally!

Unknown said...

Where are you Guys? I haven't gotten anything in a couple of days. Could you try to keek current with your travels. You know the song "A day without rain", well that is what we have here I the South but it has been 3 days. We Re a little, no I will be truthful, a lot envious of the trip so continue to send information.

Unknown said...

Using the iPhone can be an exhausting experience. However, I am not one to throw in the towel, yet. Ok, maybe I did a refresh and did not realize it, I read about Francie's birthday bash and what a good time you all are having while I am stuck here picking out kitchen appliances. What is in a name? Well now I can answer that, $$$$$.00, they look the same, you push the button and they seem to work the same, but not really, unless they have that NAME. Karen, I will never forgive you !

Happy Traveler said...

Carlos--buddy---use your home computer!