Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kenmare, Ireland

OK, so 2nd try is hopefully a charm! I had this post all done, photos and all and it disappeared into the ether--so, here goes--again.

We started our day in Kenmare by swinging by the scenic harbor.
There we got talking to Steve from Washington DC who had come over 8 years ago and stayed. He was out walking his dog Rose, a retired sheep dog, who ended up attached to Francie's wrist while Steve graciously snapped a photo of us.
From there we went into town and just a few blocks from the main square is a 2,000 year old stone circle. There were no ritual Druid sacrifices going on so we moved on.

Next it was back up the Death Wish Highway (this time traveling in the same direction as the coaches, and only for s short distance) to the Kissane Sheep Farm. This family owned working farm is a must see if you are in the area. We saw the new little lambs,
The sheep shearing,
And, the sheep dogs rounding up the sheep from the fields and bringing them up the hill to the pen right in front of us.
Then after a little rest, they sent them all back to the fields, and went off for a break.

Last night we went out to celebrate Francie's birthday in fine form. We had a great pub dinner  in town and then went to Foley's for some traditional Irish music. As the birthday girl, Francie had two verses of Happy Birthday sung to her by the assembled throng (well lubrictated by that point), followed by a rousing chorus of "For she's a jolly good fellow", followed by an interesting ballad sung by an old Irish song writer, who happened to be in the crowd with his family. We think it was somewhat rude, but the only part we could really understand was the chorus that went something along the lines of "as we kissed over the garden wall". 

Great fun was had by one and all!
We now have a new slogan!


Lauren said...

I laugh out loud every time I read your recaps of dad or Fritz driving. Your descriptions are spot on, and I can picture it perfectly - the swearing, the laughing or the screaming. So glad to hear that the adventures continue and mom had a wonderful birthday. We miss you here in sunny Seattle! Love to all.

Unknown said...

I hope she drank everything in that giant Guinness glass- it's only fitting on her birthday!