Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happenings on the high Sea--Azamara Quest

People often ask us if we get bored on "at sea" days and our answer is that you can be as bored or as busy as you like.

The other day I indulged in the "top to toe" spa special. Starting with the full body massage-- picture low lights, light flute and gong music (I saw myself in a pagoda in the middle of a lake)--a wonderful light floral aroma, the gentle rocking of the ship--I was practically comatose by the time Yvonne was done with the first part. Then came the facial--designed to fix all those "fine lines" and sun damage----aaahhhh....That was followed by a head massage---I'm in heaven! And finally a foot rub! Yep, not a bad way to waste an afternoon. Of course you sort of ooze out of the spa as your joints are a bit like jelly when you're done!

We are also being educated by the Captain, who loves to talk (his own admission)! When we leave a port we hear all about the lines and the strings which attach us to the dock. We know how many, where they are (forward and aft) and which ones are going when. We also learn who is "taking us away from the dock"--the other day the number 8 in the line of command. I think I'm #9! Also the penalty for scraping the paint if #8 doesn't clear the dock or maneuver around the freighter which is dead-in-the-water in the harbor! The penalty is one month working for the guy who paints the side! Luckily in Cape Verde they seem to be pretty mellow as the Pilot told the Captain that he would stand on the dock and wave to him as we left.

We also have learned that the Captain, Carl Smith, is originally from the Isle of Man and next year he will be the first captain from there to take a cruise ship to the Isle of Man--this Azamara Quest! He says that his buddies haven't stopped drinking his good health since they found out.

And, you might be fascinated to know that this cruise ship goes all the way up the river to Seville, an option only available for a few years since they enlarged the lock. To do this, the captain has to turn a 180 meter boat completely around in a 160 meter wide channel. They have to clear all the commercial traffic out of a little side canal and he says it is still a "hand brake" turn--not a 3 point turn. Then they back the ship a significant distance at 3 1/2 knots to the berth. At some point they travel through the open draw bridge of a major arterial which requires the masts to be lowered and it gives them 2 feet of clearance on each side of the ship. Being a major road they don't open it until the very last minute so the ship is plowing backwards at 3 1/2 knots towards this closed bridge with tons of traffic--hoping that it will get open in time. His whole face lights up like a kid in a candy shop when he's describing it. I bet # 8 doesn't get anywhere near the controls on that one!

Last night we had the White Night party on the deck by the pool--wear white if you have it. A friend whose luggage is lost borrowed painters overalls from a crew member.

It started with the Mediterranean Buffet, followed by great dance songs by the Singers, the Cruise Director and some others I didn't recognize. The white lights were on and the flags were flying, it was about 80 degrees, the wine was flowing and a good time was had by all. One of the highlights was when the Cruise Director split his pants from knee to crotch to knee while singing "Johnny Be Good". And, like a true performer he finished the song while one of the ship's singers fanned the pleated chiffon skirt of her dress in front of him. We did all of the requisite "oldies but goodies" the sing along to Sweet Caroline, and the arm waving to YMCA! The whole event was topped off by the Officers cooking Crepes Suzette--the head chef was standing by with a couple of very large fire extinguishers when they had a contest as to who could get the flames the highest. Mine flamed on my plate for almost a minute! They must have depleted the ship's stock of Grand Marnier.

This morning we were able to get ourselves to the gym and the Stretch Class only because we put the clocks back an hour last night. We followed that up with Omeletes-to-order (spinach, mushroom, Swiss and smoked salmon) on the patio on the stern and you can see its a very busy time!

Thinking of you all!---K

Ps still trying to figure out the attached photos and how to get them to stay in the order I put them, even if I can't place them in the copy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure one of these days they are going to let you captain the ship- you guys know so much about them!! I'm very jealous of that spa session too, sounds amazing! Glad to hear you are safe and having a good time :)