Tuesday, April 3, 2012


We had planned to walk to the beach as it looked very close to the ship, but when we ended up in an industrial area and guys were yelling at us from the bus that we were lost, we gave up, went to Plan B.

That involved flagging a car that said "taxi". We're not sure when it was last a taxi, but the Rastafarian driver with the impressive dreadlocks told us he would give us a ride, negotiated a fair price and, made a modicum of effort to move the stacks of styrofoam take-out boxes so that we could get into the back seat. Tom had to negotiate a pile of belongings to get into the front and commented that the entire seat moved as if it wasn't bolted down. Still, we made it in one piece and apart from him asking if we had any "Bill Clinton green" to which we just smiled--not having a clue until after we got out, we rode to the beach!

I had forgotten until we arrived at the beach that Malibu Beach, Barbados was the site of my infamous face plant in the sand last time we were here. According to Fritz I rolled off the beach chair face down in the sand--the result of too many rum punches and too much sun! Luckily Fritz was there to grab the back of my hair so that I didn't suffocate.

Today was much more mellow--for one, the price of rum punch had gone up from $5 to $10 and, the quantity and strength was significantly reduced. So, we limited ourselves to the one that came with admission and will use our rum punch allotment elsewhere! Since we were here last, about 5 years ago, the Malibu factory (for which the beach is still named) has been taken over by Cockspur Rum. They still make rum there, but no longer do any tours--or give out any samples!

The beach is still gorgeous and the water warm and turquoise and we had a lovely day bobbing in the surf and lounging under our umbrellas.

Fritz stayed on the ship because he wasn't completely up to snuff, but seems fully recovered this afternoon. Perhaps he overdid it last night!

And, speaking of last night, it was quite the event. We were invited to join the Chief Engineer, Konstantinos Zanikos, at the Captain's Table for dinner. There were the four of us, a couple from England, Nigel & Gillian--can you get more English? Plus a couple from Winnipeg, Canada.

We started in the wine bar with champagne and hors d'oevres. Then we moved to the dining room to the big round table in the circular overlook, on the mezzanine of the dining room. There we posed for photos which were presented to us at the end of the dinner. We had a fleet of waiters, hand lettered place cards, white wine with the first course, red wine with the second course and roses delivered to the ladies with our cherries jubilee!

We told the men that the bar has been set pretty high now--especially when the ladies all got the three kisses on the cheek, as is Greek tradition, when Konstantinos had to leave a bit early to go and get ready for the Captain's cocktail party. Oh, did I mention--more champagne at that event!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Molly said...

Goodness, you are getting quite the special treatment! Next thing you know they'll be letting you blast the ship's horn...oh wait :)