Thursday, October 28, 2010

Versailles, The Louvre and More

Wow, we have been on the run all over town and beyond. I had computer difficulties the other day--yes, user error, but the French instructions didn't help, so this is a few day's worth of activities.

A quick update on the political situation. We have not been impacted at all, although the lady at Versailles told us that they decide each day whether to open--depending on how many show up for work. The day we were there they opened an hour late-creating a big jam for those that had gone early--not us--we were eating. A few less trains running in the metro, but we don't follow a schedule so we don't know if they're late anyway. Word is that things are getting back to normal.

Yesterday, we took the train to the Palace of Versailles to get some home decorating and landscaping ideas. Talk about opulent, but I guess that's what Louis XIV had in mind 300 years ago when he and his 5,000 aristocratic buddies and entourage decamped Paris for the new digs.  If you're into gilt and marble, this is the place for you. Unfortunately, at this time, there's also some Japanese art exhibit going on and in the middle of the Hall of Mirrors there's a 15 foot high purple Pokeman like thing. We all thought that it detracted from the main event, but the Japanese tourists were in awe.

I personally like the brocaded canopies over and around the beds and thought it would be fun to do at home, especially with the plumes of feathers on the top. I also particularly liked the 8 inch deep dark red and purple marble door surrounds and thought it might add a nice touch to our house.

The gardens were amazing and spread beyond what the eye could see. We wandered up and down many of the pathways lined with trees and it felt as if you were in a giant maze. There were people boating on the grand canal and they looked like little dots from the house. We did have a sandwich in the garden and imagined what it would be like to send the children to play in the garden (come back when you're 18), but I'm sure they had nannies for things like that.

Yesterday we took the metro to the Arc De Triomphe and had none of the difficulties exiting that we did on our last trip--when we took a wrong turn and ended up face to face with a group of soldiers practicing with machine guns.  This time, we strolled out into the sunshine and spent some time watching the traffic whiz around the circle while all of us snap-happy tourists used up our gigabites on a multitude of photos.

We then ambled down the Champs Elysees and did a lot of window shopping. The guys went into Mercedes Benz and drooled over something that cost 189,000 euros, while Barbara and I zipped through all five floors of the flagship store of Louis Vuitton. I particularly liked a turquoise purse, but at 17,500 euros I thought that it might cut into my croissant budget, so we left it for the Japanese tourists standing three deep at the cash registers

Last night we walked over the Pont Alexandre (Alexander Bridge) with it's quintessentially Parisian lamp standards--all curly cues and gold leaf and walked through the Jardin des Tuileries to the Louvre (open late on Wednesdays). To say that we did the abbreviated version is putting it mildly, but we did ooh and aah over a fair number of Renaissance paintings and, of course, the Mona Lisa. I couldn't believe that they now allow you to take flash photos and videos of everything in the museum. There were people camped out in front of the Mona Lisa, including a 6 foot 4 inch guy with very big hair, just snapping away.

We figure that we walked over 5 1/2 miles yesterday, so we feel quite justified in our support of the local patisseries.

Today is was boating on the Seine--very relaxing and under beautiful sunny skies. It's still a bit chilly, but we have gloves, and Barbara and I did buy hats that are quite stylin'.  We also explored the Latin Quarter, where they have been learning Latin for over 700 years. I think someone should tell them that it's not quite so useful anymore, but what do I know.

While wandering up this street and that, we came across the Palais de Luxumborg and gardens and it was such a pleasant surprise. There's a large fountain and the kids were sailing boats on it. They had big sticks that they used to get the boats going, then the wind and water would sail them around--and the kids would race around the fountain to where they landed. It was so wonderfully low tech, you could imagine that kids have been doing that very same thing in that very same place for hundreds of years.

We sat in the sun and watched them for ages. Ah, life is good!!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

So glad to hear that you are safe and having a wonderful time. I love reading about all your adventures (except the comment about wanting send the kids off until they are 18)! I love the new stylish hats on you and Barbara, and Dad's is quite chic too!

Lots of love,
