Sunday, July 11, 2010

7-11-2010 Maui, Hawaii

Here's a fairly accurate accounting of our time here on Maui----Eating, Eating, Eating----Swimming, Snorkeling, Lounging---Sightseeing, Strolling, Shopping, Sleeping!

We have been here since Tuesday, Monique arrived on Wednesday and has to go home today, so we've been cramming in all of the important events as mentioned above.

Our B & B "Wai Ola" is a fabulous place just to the North of Lahaina. We have a 1,000 square foot apartment with a patio which leads right to the pool and hot tub. There is only one other couple staying here, a mother and daughter from Germany, and we have only seen them for about 2 minutes one morning. Therefore, we feel very proprietary about "our" private swimming pool. Kim, our host, is an excellent baker so we get little treats all the time--just what you need lots of coffee cake, mint chocolate chip brownies and chocolate dipped macaroons when you're trying to look sylph like in a swimsuit.  Actually, we've given up on sylph like and are now emulating some of the local Samoans. You just get a great big sarong and tie it over everything--then put your towel down next to the largest person on the beach.

We have seen some fabulous fish and urchins and coral while snorkeling. There's a great beach with a good reef just a few miles from here--although it has been quite windy which blows the sand into the water (wind is coming off the land so it's not the nice light trade winds you normally get here).

We have been hitting up all of our favorite eating spots and had a delightful meal at Cheeseburgers in Paradise--sitting in the open window---watching the sunset---listening to a nice young local guy strumming away on his guitar. We've also eaten so much fresh fish that we're starting to sprout gills, and have had our fair share of papayas with lime and pineapples. As that all sounds so nice and healthy, I won't go into great detail about the vast variety of Mai tais that have been consumed in the name of research or the macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup (don't knock 'em till you've tried 'em) that have been wolfed down in moments of weakness. These are especially delicious taken with a mimosa at Castaway's at Ka'anapali --best when sitting on the patio right on the ocean overlooking the island of Lanai. We liked these so much we've been twice.

Yesterday we went to the South end of the island to see what was going on there. They were having some outrigger canoe races, so while Fritz and I read our books under the shade of a big palm tree, Monique wandered down the beach to get a closer look. When she returned we asked if she had made new friends with some of the nice looking young men with paddles, she replied that, just her luck, when she got there they were just starting the Lesbian Canoe Club trials. Bummer!

 Aloha from Maui.

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